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Strictly control all raw materials, strictly control each production process, all products must be 100% fully inspected 


Appearance Test  

1.No Scratches or Flaws
2. Display Color
3. Backlight Firmness
4. Flex Cable
5. Home Button Hole
6. Frame Fatness


Function Test

1. Static Electricity
2. Touch Function Test
3. LCD Display Test
4. Touch ID Function Test
5. 3D Touch Function Test
6. Sunglass Test
7. Mounting Test

Wholesale Brand Phones Full Parts

341,00 USD - 363,00 USD
Shipping to be negotiated
Min. Order: 1 parte
Reso facile
49,80 USD - 63,40 USD
Shipping to be negotiated
Min. Order: 1 parte
Reso facile